roll|ing — «ROH lihng», noun, adjective. –n. the action, motion, or sound of anything that rolls or is being rolled: »the rolling of a ball, the rolling of thunder. –adj. 1. moving forward by continuous rolls: »a rolling ball. 2. that moves or runs on… … Useful english dictionary
roll — v. & n. v. 1 a intr. move or go in some direction by turning over and over on an axis (the ball rolled under the table; a barrel started rolling). b tr. cause to do this (rolled the barrel into the cellar). 2 tr. make revolve between two surfaces … Useful english dictionary
Rice noodle roll — Rice noodle rolls Traditional Chinese 豬腸粉 Simplified Chinese … Wikipedia
Parker House roll — noun yeast raised dinner roll made by folding a disk of dough before baking • Hypernyms: ↑bun, ↑roll * * * noun Usage: usually capitalized P&H Etymology: from Parker House, hotel in Boston, Mass., where the rolls were introduced : a roll made by… … Useful english dictionary
ParkerHouse roll — ☆ parkerhouse roll [pär′kər hous΄ ] n. 〚after Parker House, hotel in Boston where first served〛 a yeast roll shaped by folding over a flat, round piece of buttered dough * * * Parker House roll n. A yeast leavened roll, shaped by folding a flat… … Universalium
Bread roll — Bread rolls at a bakery German style bread rolls A … Wikipedia
Kaiser roll — The Kaiser Roll, also called a Vienna roll or a hard roll, is a kind of bread roll, popular in the United States and Canada. It is typically a crusty round roll, often sprinkled on top with poppy or sesame seeds, made by folding corners of a… … Wikipedia
Parker House roll — A Parker House roll is a shape of bread roll made by flattening the center of a ball of dough with a rolling pin so that it becomes an oval shape and then folding the oval in half. They are made with milk and are generally quite buttery, soft,… … Wikipedia
parkerhouse roll — ☆ parkerhouse roll [pär′kər hous΄ ] n. [after Parker House, hotel in Boston where first served] a yeast roll shaped by folding over a flat, round piece of buttered dough … English World dictionary
kaiser roll — noun rounded raised poppy seed roll made of a square piece of dough by folding the corners in to the center • Hypernyms: ↑bun, ↑roll … Useful english dictionary
kaiser roll — a rounded, unsweetened roll, formed by folding the corners of a square of dough toward the center, often sprinkled with poppy seeds before baking. * * * … Universalium